Nervous System regulation workshop
This juicy customized experience uncovers energetic blocks, releases them AND provides you with intuitive guidance to get to the root of any problem you’re feeling in your life.
Hi, I’m Dr. Selvi.
Healing from Crohn’s led me into the area of energetics. I learned that once my physical body had been addressed, I also needed to address my energy body.
Even though I had gotten to a place where I was “in remission,” I still felt sick. It wasn’t until I began to get into my energy body and release emotions and other stuck energy that my body began to deeply heal and I finally felt WELL.
In fact, I began to feel better than I’d ever felt in my life. This has been some of the most transformative, effective healing I have ever experienced. It was this work that took my remission beyond great bloodwork numbers and pristine colonoscopies to finally living a life without limits, filled with meaning.
I got so excited by my own healing, that I took targeted training and mentorships to learn how energy works and what the effects can be for other women. I knew that energy work would be a game changer for my clients.
I have learned there is so much wisdom that your body carries which your mind just can’t comprehend. And working at the level of your body’s energy gets straight to the root of what’s happening, cutting out the guesswork of the mind, while producing results quickly. Put simply, working at the quantum level produces quantum results.
Dozens of women just like you have seen and felt the power of working with me at the energy level.
“Selvi is such a beautiful and intuitive guide for energy work, especially around trapped emotions and chronic discomforts in the body. I come into our sessions fully trusting her and her wisdom, and leave with huge realizations and perspective shifts.” - Jamie
“I think therapy (mental support) and lifestyle/nutrition (physical) are so important, but I also believe that we can't neglect the energetics in order to really propel our healing. Energy work with Selvi is a massive permission slip to see beyond where you are right now and see what is truly possible.” - Sami Hobbs
“This was my first time having a session like this and didn't know what to expect. Selvi was so kind and gentle and held a safe space for me. I felt completely comfortable and at ease with her. Her intuition was spot on! I had a huge release during the session and felt like I dropped a ton of weight off of my shoulders! Selvi is a true healer through and through! I can't recommend her enough!” - Julie
To create quantum leaps in the direction of your desires, book YOUR Energetic Attunement now.